Monday, November 28, 2011

a little bit of this.

{ dressing warm for a girli date night with the best }
{ my new Spike The Punch necklace in neon }
{ a fabulous teepee @ Wild Cayote Winery & Bed & Breakfast }
{ a hunky Daddy & Sterling }
{ Baby bubbles }
{ Gobble Gobble Gobble from this tired turkey }
{ Did NOT want to get out of the shower...but was a little un sure about the whole experience all together }

Just a little bit from me. Things are getting better (& by better, I mean I feel like I know what I'm doing about 50% of the time), and I'll take's better than nothing. This kid is pretty dang cute & simultaneously the best/hardest thing I've ever taken on (being Mommy that is).
Happy holidays everyone. We'll be getting a tree soon, I'm sure Sterling will be loving the lights!!!

:: peace & love ::

Monday, November 14, 2011

more more more

{ my little cross eyed cutie pie }
{ wore my hot pink J Crew cords & Mona pumps to date night Sat }
{ loving my new red hair...maybe too much? }

{ baby b day outfit }

Maybe some day my posts will make sense again. Until then, here is a hap hazard look into my life. All about my little babes, too much on line shopping (sorry but I'm not sorry hubs) & not enough time with my fabulous husband. Oh but our little man is the cutest babes in the world, it's pretty exciting watching him grow (13 lbs now)!!!
Planning a vaca to the snow in a month (anyone with 4 month olds have wisdom or encouragement for me!?) Never traveled far with him & it will be about a 3 hr drive....hoping all goes well considering he hates the car....oh man.
More soon I promise!!!!!

:: peace & love ::

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I really need to keep up on these!!

{ first time in his BebePod } cute are those socks?
{ baby bath time! }
{ mommy daddy date night }
{ sparkly Sam Edelman's }

{ an attempt at lunch with a friend }...let's see if she still has baby fever ;-/
{ daily walks through the woods in the moby wrap }

So there you have it folks...
Life of a stay at home mom includes breast feeding (a LOT), not sleeping that often, play time on the bed, boppy and my arms, walks while baby wearing & the realization that this shiz is hard. I mean....emotionally draining hard. I like my personal space (and I don't have much of that), I like to sleep (and you don't get much of that either)....but, there's also nothing (NOTHING) better than his little sleepy milk drunk face, or his smiles, or his curious eyes. So, ya, it's worth all the sleepless nights & frustrating times...
because he's kinda (really) my everything.
Love you little man, be nice to mommy, she gave birth to you ;-). Yup, I'm using that line....

*Life also includes help from my amazing family (especially my momma), with out those little breaks to take a bath, sleep or run to Target....oh man. I might be a mess. Thanks momma. xoxo