Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Share Bear : )

I've noticed that my blog has turned into a wish list of sorts...this, while slightly entertaining I'm sure, is not really what I mean it to be. Wes and I got a new camera (since I dropped our old one...ooopsi), there for I will be sharing more of our lives and journeys and fun activities with all of you!! This being one of my favorite parts of looking at other people's blogs, getting that glimpse into their lives and activities!! I have some fun (and rainy) pictures from Christmas tree hunting that I will be sharing shortly, once I figure out how to get them from our camera to the comp. Also, something we do every year with my family is make 'bear bread' a very fun, delicious and sweet tradition that we have been doing since I can remember, I would love to share our fun pictures (and recipe) of this as well once we do it : )
Thanks for stopping by, I hope that I can create something inspiring for all of you who read my blog!!!

:: peace and love ::


The Loughran's said...

your link doesn't work :(

Katie said...

I fixed it!!! Enjoy....I need a sleek case for it...any suggestions? : )