{ croquet in the grass }
{ Vix and me getting ready to kick the boy's butts at croquet! }
{ Vix and me getting ready to kick the boy's butts at croquet! }
Unfortunately for moi, I started to feel sick Saturday while I was at work...I sort of though that maybe I had allergies, but by the time Sat night hit, I realized I had a full on head cold (no fun at all)...especially when you wanted to hang...drink some tasty cold beverages and enjoy a beautiful afternoon.
Sun morn and I am still on the couch at 12 sulking that I'm sick on such a festive occasion, when I get a call from our friends Vix and her honey Jonas.......they decided not to go to the beach which is perfect for us because our little yard and new croquet set is really calling our name!
1.5 hours later, we have cold drinks-chips-salsa and Wes' guac and we are relaxing in the back which is looking mighty cute I might add. I brought the papasan chair down for the good weather and the heat was just perfect!
After a couple drinks we break out the croquet and have some fun (I'll admit that the boys totally kicked our booties) we think they cheat!!!!!!!
I wish I had felt better....I did have so much fun, but spent 1/2 the time wishing for my head ache and sore throat to go away and thinking about how much I needed a nap....ha, so sad.
The day was perfect, even though it ended early.....at which point I totally crashed and slept off a fever :-(
Hope everyone had a beautiful and festive 4th, we do live in such a beautiful place!
:: peace and love ::
*PS....Jill says we'll have our engagement sesh later this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eeeeeeeeeeee.....i really (really) can't hardly wait : )
Hope you are feeling much better! Croquet looks like fun I have never played it before.
I can't wait to see the pictures!!!
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