Tuesday, August 23, 2011

lets shamelessly share some pics!

{ baby's first walk! }
{ Daddy & Sterling in the hospital }
{ Sterling & Mommy in the hospital }
{ Hiii blue eyes! }
{ cutest little sleeper....ever }

Well folks...it's been a little over a week already (time seriously flies) I can't quite believe how fast it really goes!
Morning coffee is my favorite time of day.
But he's not the worst sleeper...up every few hours for a diaper change & nursing :-)
He's honestly just perfect...I'm sorry, shameless lovin'
We've gone out a few times, for lunch with a friend (he slept right through it), appointments etc & while I initially like getting out of our 'cave', I end up craving my little space where I have everything I need.
I am working on a birth story, so that will be coming in a little. Over all mommy-hood is fantastic, I can't believe he's mine. :-)

:: peace & love ::


Anonymous said...

He is so cute!! I just can't believe I'm looking at your child. Such a trip. Absolutely gorgeous!!! Congrats again.


Claire said...

Aaaaaah he's so gorgeous!! I'm having a little girl in early Jan and I can't wait, it feels like the weeks are passing so slowly!

Also Katie you look amazing... pretty sure I'll be looking like a wreck for at least 6 months after our little one is born.

Katie said...

Thank you!!! Congrats on your little girl due in January, it's so exciting :-)
Xoxo Mara, miss u

Simply Bubblelicious said...

ahhhh, so sweet. Congrats!