{ my little cross eyed cutie pie }
{ wore my hot pink J Crew cords & Mona pumps to date night Sat }
{ loving my new red hair...maybe too much? }
{ baby b day outfit }
Maybe some day my posts will make sense again. Until then, here is a hap hazard look into my life. All about my little babes, too much on line shopping (sorry but I'm not sorry hubs) & not enough time with my fabulous husband. Oh but our little man is the cutest babes in the world, it's pretty exciting watching him grow (13 lbs now)!!!
Planning a vaca to the snow in a month (anyone with 4 month olds have wisdom or encouragement for me!?) Never traveled far with him & it will be about a 3 hr drive....hoping all goes well considering he hates the car....oh man.
More soon I promise!!!!!
:: peace & love ::
Your hair looks gorgeous! We found 4 months old to be a great age to travel. Still little enough to sleep and not need to be running around (like our current 17 month old), but big enough not to be too floppy and helpless. We took our son to Hawaii for two weeks at 4 months (the only vacation we've had in a long time) and it was a fantastic trip. He did great, and we all had a fun time. Don't stress the trip, it will be fun, if different than travelling without baby.
He is sooo cute! Love the new red do!
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