Sunday, February 20, 2011

9 years of L-O-V-E & counting.

{ @ a NY family wedding in 2003 or 2004....can't remember }

Happy 9 years with you my love.
It seems like yesterday that we met...not a day goes by that I don't wonder how I could ever love you more...
then I do
You are the cream in my coffee doll, the bacon to my eggs (i don't eat bacon...nor do i particularly care for eggs at this stage of pregnancy) but you get the picture.
I won't get too mushy on ya, but let's just say that I love this guy a whole lot.
I can't imagine my life with out him, and am so excited to be starting this little family (cinnamon gummi bear) with him.
Let's go live in a shack on the beach somewhere....ill lay in the hammock...and let baby run naked through the waves.
what'd you say?
thank you a million times over for being the most amazing husband, love & soon to be babby daddy!

you're the bees knees!


:: peace & love ::

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