Friday, July 23, 2010

a random friday sharing

{ swordfish & thrasher shark shishkebabs }
{ Prairie organic vodka }
We made ourselves some shishkebabs the other night, I don't know why we don't make them more easy! We used some home grown squash gifted to us by our friends, bell peppers, pearl onions, pineapple and swordfish/thrasher shark. Sprinkled them with olive oil, sea salt and pepper and they were good to go! A few minutes on the grill....sprinkle with lemon juice and you are set for a tasty meal :-)
Side note, while at the store, I saw this really pretty bottle of Prairie organic vodka. Look at that pretty label. I didn't get it, so I really can't attest to it's quality (but I'm fairly certain anything with such a cute label must taste good) on principle alone!
Happy weekend....I'm home alone with my adorable kitty tonight, Wes is off taking advantage of his bday present golfing with his bfff at the Rancho San Marcos golf course (and camping over night too!) sounds fun right? I know...haha.
:: peace and love ::

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